Peter J. Hammond

Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis

The fifth edition of this textbook, co-authored with the late Knut Sydsæter and with Arne Strøm of the University of Oslo, as well as Andrés Carvajal of the University of California at Davis, was published in 2016 by Pearson Education in the UK. (The first edition appeared in 2002, the second in 2005, the third in 2008, and the fourth in 2012)

Possible sources for internet orders include , Blackwells (Oxford), or internetbookshop (A division of W.H. Smith — a large UK chain of bookshops).
The ISBN (best for a precise search) is 978-1292074610; alternatively look for books by author sydsaeter (anglicized spelling).

Mathematics for Economic Analysis (with Knut Sydsæter) was published in 1995 by Prentice Hall. Though this earlier textbook is officially out of print in North America, it has been listed by the publisher Prentice Hall as “available on demand”, meaning that they will reprint it for course adoption. It has more chapters than Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis; the most important material omitted from the newer book can now be found (somewhat revised) in Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis.

German translation, Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler: Basiswissen mit Praxisbezug (inkl. E-Learning MyMathLab Deutsche Version und E-Text, Pearson Studium - Economic BWL). 4., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage.
ISBN 978-3868942675
Publishers' web site: Pearson Studium

Spanish version (in collaboration with Andrés Carvajal) Matemáticas para el análisis económico
Publishers' web site: Pearson Educación
ISBN: 9788483223154, or 9788483229866 for the ebook edition.

An earlier Spanish translation, of our Prentice Hall 1995 text, appeared as Matemáticas para el análisis económico (Prentice Hall, 1996).
Publishers' web site: Pearson Educación
ISBN: 0-13-240615-2.

Italian translation, Metodi matematici per l'analisi economica e finanziaria
Pearson 2015, ISBN: 978-8865189535

An earlier Italian translation appeared as Manuale di matematica per l'analisi economica (Vita e Pensiero, Milan, 2004).
ISBN: 88-343-1004-7.

French translation, Mathématiques pour l'économie 4e édition Pearson Education, 2014
ISBN: 978-2326000322

Hungarian translation, Matematika közgazdászoknak (Aula University Press of Budapest University of Economics and Public Administration, 1998).

Turkish translation, Ekonomik Analiziçin Temel Matematik (Turhan Kitabevi, Ankara, 2004).

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