


Guest Book Responses


During our wedding day, our guests gave us many insightful, thoughtful and humorous responses to our questions. Several are listed below. Enjoy!

What advice to you have for Gopi and Sunil?
My advice to Sunil is, your wife is always right!
Remember to always be each other’s best friend. And when in doubt, Gopi is always right.
Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Remember that when you are sleeping on the couch.
Don’t forget—women are always right.
Sunil: Get to the 4th stage of marriage ASAP – TOTAL SURRENDER!
Sunil, learn to say YES BOSS, and you will be happy for the rest of your life!
Sunil, learn one word to say for now – “Sorry!”
To keep your marriage happy, Sunil, remember “Gopi is perfect.” If she is right, admit it. If she is wrong, shut up.
Please do not argue with each other. She is always right.
Marriage is a wonderful journey, full of adventure. Remember to keep your sense of humor as you face life’s bumps along the way. And always cherish each other through all of life’s experiences.
You never can predict what life has in store. Go with the flow, adapt, be flexible and live life (with al its highs and lows) to the fullest.
Never stop having fun together. You are such an enjoyable, well-fit couple and you will no doubt have much happiness ahead. Keep your laid back, true, deep love forever and challenge each other.
Be kind for everyone is fighting a great battle.
Communicate and be happy.
40% domestic stocks, 20% international stocks, 20% bonds, 20% love.
Have patience in your married life.
We know in your marriage you will have love and trust, two essential elements for a successful marriage.
Love each other through thick and thin.
Never go to sleep mad at the other.
Put each other first and don’t take things too seriously – have fun!
Try to understand each other well. That’s the real love.
Compromise, compromise, compromise.
Keep exercising.

What will you remember most from Gopi and Sunil’s wedding?
The great food and the elephant (a.k.a. Mazda Miata).
Non-generational dance party.
You guys being lifted up and putting garlands on each other.
The elephant, of course!
We will remember the lovely clothes and decorations, and the friendliness of the other guests.
My first experience of an Indian wedding – much more colorful than the past weddings I’ve been to.
We will remember the suspense and excitement of the possible elephant involvement.
The elephant ride.
Beautiful day, beautiful people, love everywhere… and the elephant!
Gopi sat down first.
The kiss that turned into a hug.

What are your predictions for Gopi and Sunil in (5, 10, 25) years?
In five years, they will have one kid. Gopi will be fixing Social Security and Sunil will be doing smart computer stuff. They will be very happy!
Gopi will be the head of the Fed, Sunil will head NASA, and they will have a daughter in grad school!
Rahul mama… perhaps?
Happy couple with four kids (two sets of twins) and a golden retriever.
They will have four children (three girls and one boy).
Three boys and two girls and happy family.
They will have two kids and love each other even more.
House full of kids running around.
Einstein family with Einstein children!
Brain marrying brain, what will children be? Brain squared.
You will be blessed with three daughters and two boys. All going through MIT, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford and Yale, playing soccer, tennis, track, football and scuba.
Two Ph.D.’s and two Nobel Prizes!
First couple to win Nobel Prizes in the same year!
Gopi will still use 20 packets of hot sauce for her Taco Bell meal, and Sunil will still have a Forbes shirt!
Make that 24 packets.
Another wedding (for their eldest kid).

General comments
Marriage is like a chewing gum.
I wish you the best of luck in everything. You are two fantastic people and bound for lots of happiness and success.
Of all my married friends, I genuinely worry about you two the least! I can easily see how much you care for and respect each other. And both of you have a warmth and sincerity that will be valuable in your relationship together.
Keep in touch with the elephants!