/> Pina Menichelli
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Pina Menichelli

Pina Menichelli was the most bizarre and perverse of the Italian divas. She is a striking presence in her handful of films. With her contorted postures and disdainful expression, she would have been typed as a vamp by Hollywood, but in Italy she seems to be more dangerous to herself than to any potential victim. La Tigre Reale (1916) is a weird melodrama, full of unlikely twists and turns, but one is held, mesmerized, by the fascinating and enigmatic Menichelli. She was also one of the divas featured in Peter Delpeut's film Diva Dolorosa (1999)

On the Web

Tigre Reale (1916)

on YouTube

Il Fuoco (1916)

on YouTube

Una tragedia al cinematografo (1913)

on Vimeo (not sure why this isn't showing up, URL is https://vimeo.com/154840586)

Il padrone delle ferriere (1919)

on Vimeo

La Moglie di Claudio (1918)

on vimeo

Internet Movie Database filmography

Unsung Divas

©2001, by Greta de Groat. All Rights Reserved

Last revised September 23, 2022