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3 Deer Antler Velvet Myths Debunked: What the Real Deal Is

People are known for their love (and obsession) of major league sports. People are also known for their love of controversy. Put the two together and you have a bona fide story that will grab all the media headlines.

Anyone that has kept up with recent events in the sports world probably knows all about the latest “scandal” involving the use of deer antler velvet spray by famous athletes. Pro golfer Vijay Singh and football linebacker Ray Lewis are the most recent names attached to this supposed hot topic controversy.

But is deer antler velvet getting a bad rap? After debunking popular myths about this product, many will conclude that the answer is a resounding “yes.”

Myth #1: It Is a Steroid

Professional sports and colleges known for their star teams (like Stanford University) have always dealt with the stigma of its players secretly using steroids but according to medical professionals and experts in the field, this doesn’t apply to deer antler velvet. The reality is that this product hasn’t been scientifically proven to meet the requirements that would categorize it as such.

Studies report that when used in humans, there is no significant evidence that deer antler velvet operates as a performance-enhancer the way traditional steroids do.

Myth #2: Bodybuilders Use It So It Must Be a Steroid

Myth #1 already debunks the idea that deer antler velvet is a steroid but the notion that only people like bodybuilders use this product is also false. Bodybuilders turn to deer antler velvet as a means to pack on muscle faster before a competition but this is not the only group that recognizes the benefits of this product.

For years the Chinese have understood deer antler velvet benefits and continue to rely on it to treat everyday conditions like muscle aches and pains, high blood pressure, migraines and high cholesterol, among many others. Because of its ability to improve bone health and joint strength, the anti-aging demographic has also turned to using deer antler velvet as a dietary supplement.

Myth #3: It’s Banned From All Professional Sports & Is Dangerous to Use

Technically, the use of deer antler velvet products is only banned by a few professional sports leagues, not all of them.

As far as it being potentially dangerous to users, if that was the case it would certainly be banned not just from all sports but from being purchased by consumers. Anybody can find this item online as well as in local natural goods stores so it is safe to say that people interested in buying deer antler velvet have no reason to not do so.

However, it is important for consumers to keep in mind that this product has not been approved by the FDA, nor has there been enough extensive study/research to accurately document any notable side effects or drug interactions. As long as it is used according to the instructions on the label, deer antler velvet does not pose a dangerous threat.