

Listening and Communication

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EFS 693B

Notes: Week 5


I. Opening News: Healthcare insurance debate - ONN


II. Listening to news
    A. Why? keep track of current events, learn about developments in areas of interest, get more acquainted with US culture...
    B. What?
        -   Use stories on new or familiar topics to practice getting meaning
        -   Use stories on familiar topics for processing practice (dictation, accent practice, etc.) and building vocabulary
    C. How?
        -   Use TV or radio for current breaking news

        -   Focus on online resources for study
        -   Get stories with transcripts, captions, and/or supporting readings if possible

        -   Use a combination of extensive and intensive listening


III.  Discuss your project with other students in the class (bring notes to help you remember)
       1) What material are you using?
       2) Why did you pick that? What are your objectives?
       3) Give an example of an effective procedure you're using. Why do you think it's effective?
       4) What is the most useful thing you've learned so far from the project?
       5) What is your main problem in doing the project?


IV. Discuss Homework: using VLC and the speed control. How many tried it? How many found it useful? Problems using VLC

  1. Can't always find URL for videos (CNN Student news; Online News hour (recent))

  2. Even if you find the URL, the video may not play (Stanford ecorner)

  3. Click here for some suggestions

  4. Note for you can register for free, download clips in WMV format, and play in Windows Media Player with speed control.


V. PBS Online News Hour: How well did you understand it? Did you use the transcript? Did you learn any new words? Handout--transcript with vocabulary profile and idiomatic and collocated phrases underlined.


VI. Introduction to watching movies: Groundhog Day


VII. Some additional links to explore

    - Robin Li, CEO of Baidu. No transcript/subtitles but possibly familiar material for some

    - (Technology, Entertainment, Design): e.g., This has subtitles.

    - From the edict Virtual Language Center. Word lists (up to 5000 frequency level)

       with definitions using the Brown Corpus (different from the BNC and General Service List described before). Definitions include Chinese translations.




Homework: Unless otherwise stated (e.g., the independent project) you should complete this material in time to discuss it in the following class. Be sure to bring notes if requested.
1) Continue working on your independent project. I recognize next week is the main midterm week and you may need extra time to study for your major courses, so the minimum this time is 2-3 sessions for a total of 90 minutes. Of course more is better, especially if your midterms are over by the weekend. I will return your reports to you with comments as soon as I can, but you can continue working in the meantime. Next week, we will go back to the three-hour target.
2) Review the words and underlined phrases in the handout from the clip about the discovery of DNA. Note that this may take awhile, so don't wait till the last minute. Bring your lists and definitions to class next week.

a) Look up the meanings of all the words that you don't know (except those "off-list"), trying to match the definitions with the intended meaning in this context. Then identify which ones you think are worth learning for you personally and learn them.

b) Go through the list of phrases, identify ones you don't know, and try to define them, using any combination of logic, online dictionaries, Google, friends, etc. Again, decide which ones might be useful for you to learn 


Last modified: October 21, 2009, by Phil Hubbard