Eve Vivienne Clark - Recent Publications


Arnon, I., & Clark, E. V. eds. (2011) Experience, variation, and generalization: Learning a first language (TiLAR vol. 7) Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Clark, E. V. (2016) First Language Acquisition (3rd edn). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Clark, E. V. (2017) Language in Children. London: Routledge & Linguistic Society of America.

Selected recent articles

Clark, E. V. (2018/in press) Acquiring meanings and meaning domains. In K. Syrett & S. Arunachalam (Eds.), Semantics in Language Acquisition (pp. 000-000). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Clark, E. V. (2018/in press) Conversation and language acquisition. Language Learning and Development 14, 000-000.

Casillas, M., Bobb, S. B., & Clark, E. V. (2016) Turn-taking, timing, and planning in early language acquisition. Journal of Child Language 43, 1310-1337. doi: 10.1017/S0305000915000689

Veneziano, E., & Clark, E. V. (2016) Early verb constructions in French: Adjacency on the Left Edge. Journal of Child Language 43, 1193-1230. doi: 10.1017/S0305000915000471

Clark, E. V. (2015) Common ground. In B. MacWhinney & W. O'Grady (Eds.), The Handbook of Language Emergence (pp. 328-353). London: Wiley-Blackwell.

Clark, E. V., & Lindsey, K. L. (2015) Turn-taking: A case study of early gesture and word use in responses to WHERE and WHICH questions. Frontiers in Psychology (Language Sciences: Special Issue, Turn-taking in Human Communicative Interaction), 6, article 890. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00890

Clark, E. V. (2014) Pragmatics in acquisition. Journal of Child Language (40th anniversary supplement 1), 41, 105-116.

Clark, E. V., & Kurumada, C. (2013) Be brief: Necessity or choice? In L. Goldstein (Ed.), Brevity (pp. 233-248). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Clark, E. V., & de Marneffe, M.-C. (2012) Constructing verb paradigms in French: Adult construals and emerging grammatical contrasts. Morphology 22, 89-120.

Clark, E. V., & Estigarribia, B. (2011). Using speech and gesture to inform young children about unfamiliar word meanings. Gesture 11(1), 1-23.

Arnon, I., & Clark, E. V. (2011). Why 'on your feet' is better than 'feet': Children's word production is facilitated in familiar sentence-frames. Language Learning & Development 7, 107-129.