ASCII Map to Woodside High

Woodside High is at the corner of Alameda de las Pulgas and Woodside

Generally the football field is accessible (the gate is ajar wide
enough to get in) and is in good condition.  Look for the bleachers
around the logically northwest corner of the school complex.

    |  ^   				   		 |
    |  |  North			           		 |
    |  	       			           		 |
    |  	       		 |           |     		 |
    |280                 |           |         	       	 |
    |	    Woodside Road|           |                   | 101
    |  parking->| XX<-field          |   		 |
		|  high  |	     | 	       	       	 |
    |	    	| school |           |El Camino 	 |
    |	    	---------            |  		 |
    |			 |           |  		 |
			 |Alameda    |
			 |de las     |
			 |Pulgas     |
			 |           |
			 |-----------|  Menlo Park