The Cameron Three
Laura and Celeste

Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts. 

~Author Unknown

And then there were three...

A whole lotta Camerons

On October 31st, 2003 at 9:09pm, Celeste Elizabeth Catalina Cameron was born at the El Camino Hospital in Mountain View, California.

She weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces, and measured in at 21 1/2 inches long.

Eventually I'll have some family pictures on this page, but for the time being, feel free to check out these pictures of Celeste.

My wife Laura and I celebrate our 10 year anniversery on January 15th, 2010... eventually I'll get some pictures from the wedding put up here.

Currently Laura (her ab-fab website found here), as well as myself, work at Stanford University. She's in the Binding and Finishing Department, part of the Stanford University Library's Preservation Department.

I work in Technology Training Services, part of ITSS at Stanford.