lsgs: Large-scale Gate Sizing MATLAB Toolbox

Version 0.29 (March 2008)
Siddharth Joshi and Stephen Boyd

The large-scale gate sizing (lsgs) MATLAB toolbox provides an implementation of the algorithm described in the paper “An efficient method for large-scale gate sizing”, S. Joshi and S. Boyd.


Untar the files using the command: tar xvfz lsgs-0.29.tar.gz, which extracts the files to the directory lsgs-0.29. To set up the toolbox follow the instructions in the users’ guide (which is also included in the gzipped tar file).

The toolbox has been tested with MATLAB Version (R2007b) installed on GNU/Linux platform, on both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.

We welcome your feedback. Please contact Siddharth Joshi ( or Stephen Boyd ( with bug reports and/or suggestions.

Perl scripts for translating between a Verilog netlist and the special form required by lsgs can be found here: v2tau: Verilog to lsgs format conversion tool. Previous version of lsgs can be found here: lsgs-0.25.

Copyright information

This version of lsgs is distributed under the GNU General Public License 2.0. For commercial or alternative licensing, please contact the authors.

Stephen Boyd’s research page
Siddharth Joshi’s home page