Titles To Make You Smile: More Silly Records

Getting and forgetting an education ... commencement address, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 8, 1936 / Robert MacDonald Lester. -- Albuquerque, N.M. : The University of New Mexico, 1936.
AAJ3987 / 370.6.N52 v.9 / Cubberley Education Library.

The Transylvania journal of medicine and the associate sciences [microform]. -- v. 1-12, no. 1; Feb. 1828-Mar. 1839. -- Lexington, Ky. : Printed by Joseph G. Norwood, 1828-39.
"Included such topics as causes of fever, bandaging gun-shot wounds, winter epidemics, poisoning by opium, skull fractures and depressions, mania cured by counter-irritation, changes in matter and their causes, accounts of lunatic asylums, the cultivation of medicinal plants, the plague, and the use of trephine in epilepsy."
ACN3225 / MFILM 051.5: 1960-1961 / Green Library - Media/Microtext.

--submitted by Brian Kunde and Geoffrey Skinner

Originally published in SUL/News Notes, Volume 1, Number 19, May 15, 1992. These titles reflect the compiler's notions of the humorous, wry, ironic or unusual, and should not be construed as reflecting any other opinion or judgment, including the editorial opinion of the original publisher.

© 1992, 1999, 2010 Fleabonnet Press.
This page was established Jul. 1, 1999,
and last updated Aug. 30, 2010.