Titles To Make You Smile: More Silly Records

Atmospheric Railway and Power Company of the United States of America, Wash., D.C. [Prospectus] -- Wash., D.C. : Chas. A. Beckert, 1894.
625.1.A881 / California State Library - Catalog.

The ventilation of mines. Designed for use in schools and colleges / J. T. Beard. -- 1st ed. -- New York : J. Wiley & Sons, 1894.
AMD0493 / 622.4 .B368 / Stanford Auxiliary Library 3.

Summary of annual reports ... and records of boring operations. -- 1919- . -- [Melborne?] : Geological Survey of Victoria.
AKP9032 / 559.45 .V645S / Stanford Auxiliary Library.

--submitted by Brian Kunde and Heida Earnest

Originally published in SUL News News, Volume 1, Number 18, May 8, 1992. These titles reflect the compiler's notions of the humorous, wry, ironic or unusual, and should not be construed as reflecting any other opinion or judgment, including the editorial opinion of the original publisher.

© 1992, 1999, 2010 Fleabonnet Press.
This page was established Jul. 1, 1999,
and last updated Aug. 18, 2010.