Work Cycle
by Brian Kunde
I worked all week, then on into its end, till I was wired.
I can't remember when I've been so absolutely tired.
I went to bed exhausted, Sunday. Now I'm up, to freak
From realizing Monday morning starts another week.

Another week; another nine to five, for five more days;
A cycle I can't cycle out from under, while it pays --
And at its end, there shall descend another job to do,
As in the weekend past, and probably the future, too.

I long for some respite, but I'm afraid I'm out of luck:
As long as man needs money, man will have to chase the buck.
As long as he is chasing it, he can't do other things,
And since he can't, he can't avoid the work the weekend brings.

* * * * *

Work Cycle

Originally published in
SUL News Notes, Vol. 4, no. 30, Jul. 28, 1995.

1st web edition posted 12/20/1995.
This page last updated 11/26/2013.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 1996-2013 by Brian Kunde.