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October 31, 1997


A reminder that the Contemporary Polish Artists' Symposium will be held on November 8 at 10:00 a.m. in Annenberg Auditorium, Cummings Art Building, followed by a reception.  The event is free and open to the public.

An exhibition of Contemporary Polish Artists' Books, the first of its kind in the United States, is on display through November 16 in the lobby of the Cecil H. Green Library, Stanford University.

For event information contact Malgorzata Schaefer 650 723-9275 mschaefe@leland or Dr. Wojciech Zalewski, Curator for Slavic and East European Collections.

-- Submitted by Malgorzata Schaefer


Adan Griego has joined the Humanities and Area Studies Resources Group, effective October 1, 1997, as Curator for Latin American, Mexican American, and Iberian Collections.  Adan has been with the HASRG as a Visiting Bibliographer since October of 1996.

Adan received his graduate library degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1988 and also holds an M.A. in Spanish Literature from Wisconsin (1985).  His undergraduate degree is in history from St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas.  Adan came to Stanford from the University of California at Santa Barbara, where he worked from 1989 through 1996.  Adan served at UCSB as the Area, Ethnic & Gender collections bibliographer, the reference collections and reference services coordinator, and the head of the interlibrary loan program at UCSB.  Between 1983 and 1988 Adan was a teaching assistant in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Wisconsin.  Adan is active in the American Library Association and SALALM (Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials).

We both welcome Adan and are glad that he is staying with us.

-- Submitted by Henry Lowood

Please send future submissions to SUL/AIR Weekly to Charity Nielson at

SUL/AIR Weekly, an electronic publication of Stanford University Libraries is issued weekly.  Copy deadline is 5:00 Wednesday.  Submit items for publication to cnielson@sulmail.stanford.edu
EDITOR/PRODUCTION:  Maureen Davidson
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS: Lucretia Cerny, Catalog (lcerny@sulmail) Grace Baysinger, Swain (graceb@leland) Liz Green, Reference (cn.dat@forsythe) Donna Hjertberg, Cubberley (cn.dxh@forsythe) Jill Otto, Falconer (jotto@leland) Riva Bacon, Music (hf.riv@forsythe) Lois Sher, Engineering (cn.las@forsythe) Liz Wise, Preservation (lizwise@leland).
COORDINATE LIAISONS: Elaine Cattell, Law (cattell@leland) Suzanne Remington, Hoover (suzyq@leland) Valerie Su, Medical (valerie@krypton) Suzanne Sweeney, Business (ssweeney@gsb-peso)

Last Modified: May 12, 1998
Stanford University Libraries/Academic Information Resources