Book Bordello
by Brian Kunde
Prostituting books
at the book motel;
checked out;
checked in—
for a day,
for a month,
or for longer,
kept creatures,
loved casually,
or simply used.

We are
the book pimps—
procuring them
in colorful wrappers,
which we strip off
for display.
We touch them up,
or concealing
the ravages of age;
and then
deliver them over
to heated minds,
to sate their lust
for learning.

We keep them,
make them pretty,
jealously record
their comings
and goings,
until their
freshness fades,
and they are
no longer needed,
or wanted,
or the tastes
of their users
turn to newer,
more glittery
online, wired,
and hot for
fun and games.

What then
for the faded,
painted ladies?
Out they go—
Sold. Forgotten—
while we promote
the latest rage;
pander to newer,
more bizarre
* * * * *

Book Bordello (B-0059 [B-28.4])
(Poems from the Stanford Libraries: 8)

from Two by Four: and other poems, 3rd ed., Dec. 2000.
An earlier version appeared in
SUL News Notes, Vol. 4, no. 42, Nov. 3, 1995.

1st web edition posted 12/29/1995
(updated 1/25/1996).
2nd web edition posted 3/13/1998
(updated 2/15/2000).
3rd web edition posted 6/28/2004.
This page last updated 6/28/2004.

Published by Fleabonnet Press.
© 1995-2004 by Brian Kunde.