Stanford University
MS&E 217, Combinatorial Optimization

Autumn 2003-04


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1.    Handout 1: Tell us about yourself

2.    Handout 2: Homework set 1

3.    Handout 3: Homework set 2

4.    Handout 4: Addendum to HW 2 on Matroids (MS&E 317 only)

5.    Handout 5: Practice problems

6.    Handout 6: Solutions to HW 1 (not available online)

7.    Handout 7: Optional reading (for MS&E 317 students) on a combinatorial optimization problem in game theory: John Hershberger, Subhash Suri: Vickrey Prices and Shortest Paths: What is an Edge Worth?. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Foundations of Computer Science: 252-259 (Available from the IEEE web-site if you access it from within Stanford).

8.    Handout 8: Reading for stable marriages: Gale and Shapley, College Admissions and stability of marriage, The American Mathematical monthly, Vol 69, No 1, pp. 9-15, 1962. Available in the library, I will also try to make copies for everyone.

9.    Handout 9. Homework set 3.

10. Handout 10: solutions to HW 2 (not available online).

11. Handout 11: solutions to 217 midterm (not available online).

12. Handout 12: solutions to 217 midterm (not available online).

13. Handout 13: practice problems for the final.