Arenavirus family. Diameter: 110-130 nm. Genome size: ~10.6 kb.

Description: Arenaviruses are linear, ssRNA, ambisense, helical, and dipartite. Lassa is part of the Old World serogroup, named to reflect the geographic distribution of infection. Lassa is endemic in parts of West Africa.

Power: Ability to cause epidemics with 5-15% mortality rates.


Attacks --> spread through rodents (urine and droppings) and infected individuals.

Outcome --> symptoms are nonspecific and can include fever, chest pain, sore throat, back pain, cough,
abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and mucosal bleeding. Infection commonly results in deafness; 15-20% of
patients are hospitalized, 1% die. Spontaneous abortion occurs in 95% of maternal infections.

Speed --> 1-3 week incubation period.


Vaccines --> none, although research for a vaccine is underway.

Behavioral --> end the use of rodents for food in parts of Africa; increase hygeine within rodent-infested
homes. Avoid contact with rodents, in general.

Treatment --> Ribavirin (effective when given early).

Game Action --> Lassa may disguise itself by inciting a variety of non-specific syndromes in its host. Flip a coin, if heads, lassa is quickly diagnosed and treated with Ribavirin.

Rodents: don't let them into your house and don't eat them!

Medical Virology pp. 501, 504-5
CDC Lassa Web Page

Witney McKiernan

Arenavirus 2000 Home
Humans and Viruses
Human Biology 115A
Winter, 2000
Robert Siegel, instructor


Created: February 1, 1998
Last modified: March 5, 2000