
General description


    Videx is indicated for usage for HIV infection where antiretroviral treatment is warranted.

    All doses should be taken on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes to 2 hours after eating. Patients should take two tablets at each dose. Dosage interval should be 12 hours. For pediatric patients, the recommended dosage is 120 mg/sq. m BID. For adults, the dosage is given in the following tables. The first table is for normal aduls and the second table contains adjusted dosages for patients with renal clearance dysfunction.

    Patient weight Videx tablets Videx buffered powder
    >60 kg 200 mg BOD 250 mg BID
    <60 kg 125 mg BOD 167 mg BID

    >60 kg >60 kg <60 kg <60 kg
    Creatine Clearance
    Tablet Solution Tablet Solution Interval
    >60 200 250 125 167 12
    30-59 100 100 75 100 12
    10-29 150 167 100 100 24
    <10 100 100 75 100 24

    Patients should remain under close clinical observation during treatment. Patients may continue to develop complications associated with HIV infection. Videx is not a cure for HIV. Videx should be taken on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before or 2 hours after eating. Patients with renal impairment may be at higher risk for toxic side effects as well as patients concomitantly taking drugs known to cause pancreatitis. Videx has been found to inteact with the following drugs : allopurinol, antacids, ganciclvoir, and quinoline antibiotics.

    Videx is contraindicated for patients with clinically proven hypersensitivity to any of the drug components

Potential Adverse Effects
    The major toxic side effect of Videx is pancreatitis. Other toxic effects reported have been lactic acidosis, sever hepatomegaly with steatosis, and retinal/visual changes. It has also been shown to cause diarrhea and neuropathy of assorted grades in patients.