Retrovirus Page

Peter Kasson, Department of Chemistry, Stanford University
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Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) is currently the most clinically imporant of the retroviruses. At the end of 1998, an estimated 33.4 million people worldwide were infected with HIV, predominantly with HIV-1 (UNAIDS report). Another virus, HIV-2, is responsible for some cases of AIDS. HIV-2 infection tends to be milder and much less common, comprising less than 1% of HIV cases in most areas of the world.

This page concentrates on certain aspects of HIV-1 infection and disease, but many portions of it are more generally applicable. Comments are welcomed.

A brief overview of HIV infection and disease.

Co-receptors for HIV entry

Viral dynamics.

Viral entry: membrane fusion.


Written for a Humans and Viruses course taught by Dr. Robert Siegel, Departments of Microbiology & Imunology and Human Biology, Stanford University

Unless otherwise noted, all contents are Copyright © 1999 by Peter Kasson.