Preface of Textbook
About the Textbook
About the Authors
Book Website at McGraw-Hill
DVD Contents
Stanford 1e Book Website
McGraw-Hill 1e Book Website
Book Contents
Table of Contents
Venture Opportunity, Concept and Strategy
Venture Formation and Planning
Functional Planning of the Venture
Financing and Building the Venture
  Business Plans (App. A)
  Case Studies (App. B)
Online Sources (App. C)
Sample Syllabus
Course Overview
Calendar of Sessions
Entrepreneurial Perspective
Idea or Opportunity
Gathering Resources
Managing Ventures
Entrepreneurship and You
Additional Resources
Schools Using This Textbook
Authors Blog

How can students continue learning about entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship is a complex and dynamic phenomenon and subject. During this session, we will summarize the quarter and provide perspectives and tools for students interested in learning more.


Relevant Texbook Chapters

Discussion Questions
What are your most important key takeaways from all that you have learned about entrepreneurship? Brainstorm with your team or study group and generate a list of lessons learnt.
Slidedeck: Course Summary and Key Takeaways
Professor Tom Byers' slides to conclude this class.
Carol Bartz: Cycles
Entrepreneurship and managing cycles.
Vinod Khosla: Career Development - go deep
It is important to use time to get a deep expertise. You need to go much deeper in understanding technology--a BA is not enough and will be irrelevant in another 10 years. If you have a goal of entrepreneurship in mind, you must go deep in an expertise in order to advance your career.
Top Ten Enduring Elements of High-Technology Entrepreneurship
Professor Tom Byers' top ten list covering the difference between an idea and an opportunity, the need to understand vision, strategy, risk and tactics, the context of the business, market positioning and partnerships, the purpose of the business plan , cash flow, sources of capital, teamwork, skills and ethics.
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