Preface of Textbook
About the Textbook
About the Authors
Book Website at McGraw-Hill
DVD Contents
Stanford 1e Book Website
McGraw-Hill 1e Book Website
Book Contents
Table of Contents
Venture Opportunity, Concept and Strategy
Venture Formation and Planning
Functional Planning of the Venture
Financing and Building the Venture
  Business Plans (App. A)
  Case Studies (App. B)
Online Sources (App. C)
Sample Syllabus
Course Overview
Calendar of Sessions
Entrepreneurial Perspective
Idea or Opportunity
Gathering Resources
Managing Ventures
Entrepreneurship and You
Additional Resources
Schools Using This Textbook
Authors Blog

This first meeting will provide a complete overview of the course, including instructor introductions and expectations for students. We will discuss the overall meaning of high-tech entrepreneurship and our goals and objectives in learning its fundamentals.


Relevant Textbook Chapters


Discussion Questions

  1. What is entrepreneurship? Can it be taught?
  2. Why should engineering, science and humanities students study entrepreneurship?
Slidedeck: Welcome to High-Tech Entrepreneurship
Professors Tom Byers and Randy Komisar's slidedeck for this opening session.
Jeff Hawkins: What is an entrepreneur?
Jeff Hawkins has never thought of himself as an entrepreneur. According to him, being an entrepreneur is not a career choice, but it is something you do at certain points in your life because you have to. Hawkins believes entrepreneurship is a means to an end, as opposed to an end in itself.
Jeff Hawkins: What I had wished I learnt in college
Jeff Hawkins responds to - Is there anything you wish you had learned in college? According to him, to be a successful entrepreneur one has to have knowledge about a broad range of disciplines like finance, law, human resource management, etc. Universersities should teach engineers (and MBA's), about basic corporate, structural and employee issues that entrepreneurs will need in order to lay a strong foundation for their company from the very beginning.
Vinod Khosla: Technology and the driver of change
My view of the role of technology-driven entrepreneurship has not changed in the past years. I continue to believe that technology will have a bigger and bigger impact on life, society and the economy. At every level, we will be driven almost completely by technology in terms of the change that will happen. There are other changes, but less radical. Technology is a consistent driver of change, and there is a role for startups. Technology will continue to be a bigger part of the GNP for the next foreseeable future, until we decide that progress and efficiency aren't important...I also believe that most of the environmental issues have technology-driven solutions, whether it is energy, population, water, food.
Stanford ENGR145: High-Technology Ventures
Website for Stanford University's introductory class on high technoloyg ventures, as taught by Professor Thomas Byers and silicon valley guru Randy Komisar. Contains complete and updated syllabus and associated video clips.

Stanford Technology Ventures Program Website
STVP is dedicated to accelerating high technology entrepreneurship education, creating scholarly research on technology-based firms, and disseminating its research and teaching knowledge.



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