Similar Species:

Prairie and Peregrine Falcons

Prairie Falcon

Don Eckelberry

The facial pattern of the Prairie Falcon is less striking than that of the Peregrine; the mustache is narrow, faint, and brownish.

Males are above pale, sandy brown above and creamy, but heavily spotted below. Females are like males, but their wing lining is broader and darker. Juveniles are like adults, but darker with less contrast and more streaking.

Peregrine Falcon male (detail)

Don Eckelberry

The Peregrine Falcon's distinctive mantle, darker back, and lighter wing-lining differentiates it from the Prairie Falcon. Its distinctive facial pattern includes a black helmet extending from the crown and nape to a wedge below eye.

Males are slate gray above and pale below. Females are like the males, but brownish. Juveniles are like adults, but dark brownish, with a darker buff, and more streaking.

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