Salleo Group:
Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM)
Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF)
Stanford Nanocharacterization Laboratory (SNL)
Stanford Synchotron Radiation Laboratory (SSRL)
J. Rivnay (PARC)
M. Chabinyc (UC Santa Barbara)
W. Wong (PARC)
N. Melosh, A. Lindenberg (Stanford Materials Science)
B. Murmann (Stanford Electrical Engineering)
J. Stebbins (Stanford Geological & Environmental Sciences)
D. Knipp, V. Wagner (Jacobs University Bremen)
H. Klauk (Max Planck Stuttgart)
A. Ziegler (Max Planck Martinsried)
I. McCulloch (Imperial College London)
M. Heeney (Imperial College London)
M. Toney (SSRL)
A. Facchetti (Polyera Corp.)
Funding Sources
We gratefully thank the following sources for funding and support:

National Science Foundation

Office of Naval Research
Global Climate & Energy Project, Stanford University
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Last Updated:
February 10, 2013