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XXII. Appendices

  1. Technology Transfer Act of 1986 (PL 99-502)
  2. Confidential Disclosure Agreement
  3. List of TT organizations, services, and publications
  4. Stevenson-Wydler Act of 1980 (PL 96-480)
  5. Generic Cooperative R&D Agreement for the VA
  6. 38CFR, Para. 0.735 - Standards of Ethical Conduct and related responsibilities
  7. VHS&RA Manual M-3, Part I, Chapter 13
  8. Procedures for negotiating and signing a CRADA (assuming a TT Officer exists at your VA Medical Center)
  9. Amendment to Title 38 to Improve Health-Care programs for the VA (Establishment of nonprofit corporations)
  10. Strategic Plan for TT developed at Palo Alto Rehabilitation R&D Center
  11. 38CFR, Para. 1.650 - 1.673 and Para. 100.1 - 100.11, Inventions by VA Employees
  12. VA Disclosure of Invention forms (as modified and used at Palo Alto VAMC)
  13. Cooperative R&D Agreement between VA and Stanford
  14. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995
  15. Provisional Patent Application - Forms, procedures and questions
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