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The Contribution of the Interosseous Muscles to the Hypothenar CMAP

McGill KC, Lateva ZC. The contribution of the interosseous muscles to the hypothenar CMAP. Muscle & Nerve, 22: 1-10, 1999.

The contributions of the various ulnar-innervated muscles of the hand to the hypothenar compound muscle action potential (CMAP) were estimated by directly stimulating individual muscles and by analyzing CMAP shape changes resulting from manipulations that changed individual muscle lengths. The results show that the first peak of the negative phase of the hypothenar CMAP comes from the hypothenar muscles, but that the second peak is due to a large volume-conducted potential from the interosseous muscles. The interosseous contribution affects both the amplitude and the area of the CMAP, and makes these parameters sensitive to changes in the configuration of the fingers and the temperature gradient in the hand. To reduce the interosseous contribution, a "balanced reference" consisting of two reference electrodes, one over each tendon, is proposed.