[Q&A logo] Queer and Questioning Asians/Pacific Islanders of Stanford


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Asians and Pacific Islanders at Stanford have often lacked visibility within the LGBTQ community, and conversely, LGBTQ members and issues have often been invisible within the API community. With this queer Asian group, we hope to promote racial and ethnic diversity within the larger gay community as well as combat homophobia among Asian-Americans. Q&A is building a queer, Asian safe-space via bi-monthly meetings (at the Lesbian, Bisexual, and Gay Community Center and the Asian American Activities Center), trips to the city, movie outings, and quarterly dinners. We also help sponsor speaker panels, socials for the larger community, and diversity training workshops as well as participate in major activities of both the Asian and the queer communities. Q&A welcomes all undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni interested in queer Asian issues to attend all our meetings and to join our e-mail list.

The total membership of Q&A is currently 50 members, with 20 undergraduate, 19 graduate, and 11 alumni. Men and women with Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Pilipino, Vietnamese, Indian, and Hawaiian backgrounds are all represented.

This year, Q&A will continue to strengthen ties with Stanford queer and API groups, as well as with other local queer API organizations. Plans are being made to participate in Stanford's celebrations of API Month as well as the Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Awareness Days (BGLAD). Q&A is a founding organization of the Queer People of Color Coalition at Stanford, and will continue efforts in building ties between the communities. Q&A will also continue to be visible at local community events, such as those sponsored by the Gay Asian Pacific Alliance (GAPA) and South Bay Queer and Asian. During the spring, Q&A is planning to hold our annual Q&A/Cal-B-Gay (UC Berkeley's queer API group) picnic.

Q&A will also be working closely with A3C staff, AASA core, Okada staff, and LGBCC Community Liaisons, and the Queer People of Color Coalition to address a series of new issues. Reaching out to queer Asian women, increasing the ethnic diversity of Q&A by targeting the South Asian, Southeast Asian. and Pacific Islander communities, fighting homophobia within our ethnic community in coalition with Queer People of Color, and introducing queer issues into Asian American Studies.

Our regularly scheduled social events are a great opportunity to relax, meet new people, and talk about anything of importance to the queer Asian community. If you ever want to discuss coming out to Asian parents, dating interracially, fitting into white gay culture, dealing with homophobia, and other issues, just send mail to majordomo@lists with "subscribe q-a-news" in the body of the message. Confidentiality assured. E-mail q-a-news-owner@lists for more information.

last modified 990516