Molecular cloning and chromosomal localization to 17q21 of the human WNT3 gene.

TitleMolecular cloning and chromosomal localization to 17q21 of the human WNT3 gene.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1993
AuthorsRoelink H, Wang J, Black DM, Solomon E, Nusse R
Date PublishedSep
ISSN0888-7543 (Print); 0888-7543 (Linking)
AbstractIn mouse mammary tumors, the Wnt-3 gene can be activated by proviral insertion. Here we report on the isolation of a human homolog, WNT3. A genomic clone was isolated by use of mouse Wnt-3 sequences as a probe, after which cDNA containing most of the protein-encoding domain of the human gene was obtained by PCR. Comparison between the deduced mouse and human WNT-3 protein sequences showed four changes in 333 amino acids. WNT3 is located on chromosome 17q21. The gene was not found to be amplified or rearranged in a collection of human breast tumors.