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Users are the people with NetDB accounts. Users must have a valid SUNet ID to access NetDB. The User record determines a User's access privileges through Groups and record access.



A User's account name must be User's principal kerberos SUNet ID. In other words, if Leland Stanford's primary account name is "leland" but he also has "leland.stanford" and "stanford" as SUNet IDs, NetDB requires "leland".


"Yes" means account is active. "No" means account is inactive.

Default Domain

This is the implied Domain if the User does not specify a Domain when creating a Node. For example, if the User's default Domain is "" and the User creates Node "MyNode", the fully qualified name for the Node is "". The User must be in the same Group as the default Domain.

Starting Address

When creating a Node NetDB uses the starting address to find the next available address and assigns that address to the node. The User must be in the same Group as the address space containing the starting address.

LNA Department

List of departments where the User is the local network administrator.

Default Group

Records that the User creates will automatically be placed in the default Group. This is a mandatory field unless the account is inactive.

Member Groups

List of all Groups that the User is a member of. To delete the Group that is also the User's default Group, you must first change the default Group to another Group. A User can only modify/delete records in his member Groups. A User can only add Nodes to Domains and address spaces that are in his member Groups.

All Groups

Checking this box means the User has access to all Groups. This is a common setting for Central IT staff who support folks in many departments.

Record Access

To modify, create or delete a record , Users must have both Group and record rights. There are 6 record types: Group, Domain, User, Admin Team, Network and Node. Below is a list of who typically needs record access:

Record Type of User
Group Networking Systems staff
Domain Networking Systems Staff
User Networking Systems Staff
Admin Team Manager of the Admin Team
Network Networking Systems Staff
Node Local Network Administrators

All Records

Checking this box gives the User access to all records.

OAuth ID

The client ID used to authorize via the OAuth Server, and log into the web service. For security reasons, this is currently required to be the same as the netid.


Useful information can be added here. This field is searchable with Full Search. Only printable characters are valid for comments. The printable character set consists of the alphabet, any numbers, all punctuation and spaces. For example, the carriage return is a non-printable character.