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Renato Rosaldo
Professor of Cultural and Social Anthropology

Renato Rosaldo, a Lucie Stern Professor in the Social Sciences, is one of
the world's leading anthropologists. He has done field research among the Ilongots of northern Luzon, Philippines, and he is the author of Ilongot Headhunting: 1883-1974: A Study in Society and History (1980). He is also the author of Culture and Truth: The Remaking of Social Analysis (1989). He is also the editor of Creativity/Anthropology (with Smadar Lavie and Kirin Narayan) (1993), Anthropology of Globlization (with Jon Inda) (2001), and Cultural Citizenship in Island Southeast Asia: National and Beloning in the Hinterlands (2003), among other books. He has been conducting research on cultural citizenship in San Jose, California since 1989, and contributed the introduction and an article to Latino Cultural Citizens: Claiming Identity, Space, and Rights (1997). He is also a poet. Professor Rosaldo has serves as President of the American Ethnological Society, Director of the Stanford Center for Chicano Research, and Chair of the Department of Anthropology. He has left Stanford and now teaches at NYU.

Wednesday, April 17, 2002, 7 p.m.
Stanford Writing Center, Basement of Margaret Jacks Hall (Bldg. 460)

Check back soon to see the transcript of Renato Rosaldo's How I Write Conversation.