Core officers

Bruce Xu

Email Bruce

Position: President

Major: Mathematics

Favorite Dim Sum Dish: Xiaolong Bao

Excited to bring a Hong Kong community to Stanford!

Jennifer Wang

Email Jennifer

Position: Vice President

Major: Chemical Engineering

Favorite Dim Sum Dish: Cheung Fun

I’m excited to learn more about Hong Kong culture and enjoy the yummy foods!

JP Tang

Email JP

Position: Financial Officer

Major: Math

Favorite Dim Sum Dish: Cheung Fun

I love promoting Cantonese awareness!

Lydia Chan

Email Lydia

Position: Advisor

Major: Computer Science

Favorite Dim Sum Dish: Liu Sha Bao

I look forward to connecting with the Stanford community over round tables filled with dim sum!

To Chin Yu

Email To Chin

Position: Advisor

Major: Physics

Favorite Dim Sum Dish: Lo Bak Gou

I love promoting Cantonese awareness!

Angel Pan

Email Angel

Position: Advisor

Major: Computer Science

Favorite Dim Sum Dish: Cheung Fun

I look forward to experiencing and learning more about Hong Kong culture and cuisine!

Elton Ho

Email Elton

Position: Graduate Student Representative

Major: Physics

Favorite Dim Sum Dish: Beef Tripe

I like TST harbor so much that I sometimes randomly sit around the area alone for fun. Met many evangelists that way, and, yes, they all thought I was a runaway.

Harrison Ho

Email Harrison

Position: Advisor

Major: Computer Science

Favorite Dim Sum Dish: Chicken Feet

Hey there! Let's get dim sum some time!

Stephen Ou

Email Stephen

Position: Advisor

Major: Computer Science

Favorite Dim Sum Dish: Rice Rolls

I've stayed underground for 6 hours straight in Hong Kong thanks to the MTR.

Takero Sone

Email Takero

Position: Alumni advisor

Major: Chemical Engineering

Favorite Dim Sum Dish: Ma lai gao from Tim Ho Wan

I love Hong Kong and am extremely delighted to be involved with HKSA!