Welcome to the X-ray Diffraction Laboratory Home Page!

This page is designed for current, former and future users as well as occasional visitors to get familiar with X-ray Lab at Stanford Nano Shared Facilities, Stanford University.

X-ray Lab is located in Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials,
McCullough Building, Room 117.

Currently we have four fully functional diffractometers:

PANalytical Materials Research Diffractometer - "X'Pert 1"

PANalytical Materials Research Diffractometer - "X'Pert 2"

Multiwire Laue

Bruker Single Crystal Diffracometer D8 Venture

X-ray Lab has the following data analysis software installed on our stand alone computers:

The Powder Diffraction File PDF-4

Materials Studio

X'Pert Epitaxy

X'Pert Reflectivity

X'Pert HighScore Plus

X'Pert Texture

X'Pert Stress

Please feel free to navigate through the X-ray Lab Website and get familiar with the diffractometers and software.

If you want to carry out x-ray diffraction experiment I recommend you to visit “Techniques” and decide which diffractometer will be suitable for your measurements.