

New Electric-Field-Driven Mesoscale Phase Transitions in Polarized Suspensions. A. Kumar, B. Khusid, Z. Qiu and A. Acrivos . Phys. Rev. Lett., 95(25):258301, Dec 2005. (URL)


We report the discovery of a new class of an electric field-driven bulk phase transition due solely to dipolar interactions in a suspension under the action of a uniform ac field where the effects of other competing forces are suppressed. This transition appears after the well-known chain-column formation and causes the uniform suspension of columns to rearrange into a cellular pattern consisting of particle-free domains surrounded by particle-rich walls. Interestingly, the characteristic size of these domains scales linearly with the interelectrode spacing and remains insensitive to the size of the particles.

Bibtex entry

@ARTICLE { PhysRevLett.95.258301,
    AUTHOR = { A. Kumar and B. Khusid and Z. Qiu and A. Acrivos },
    TITLE = { New Electric-Field-Driven Mesoscale Phase Transitions in Polarized Suspensions },
    JOURNAL = { Phys. Rev. Lett. },
    VOLUME = { 95 },
    NUMBER = { 25 },
    PAGES = { 258301 },
    YEAR = { 2005 },
    MONTH = { Dec },
    URL = { },
    ABSTRACT = { We report the discovery of a new class of an electric field-driven bulk phase transition due solely to dipolar interactions in a suspension under the action of a uniform ac field where the effects of other competing forces are suppressed. This transition appears after the well-known chain-column formation and causes the uniform suspension of columns to rearrange into a cellular pattern consisting of particle-free domains surrounded by particle-rich walls. Interestingly, the characteristic size of these domains scales linearly with the interelectrode spacing and remains insensitive to the size of the particles. },