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Foundations of Logic: Completeness, Incompleteness, Computability

Foundations of Logic: Completeness, Incompleteness, Computability

By Dag Westerståhl

A comprehensive introduction to logic's central concepts.

This book provides a concise but detailed account of modern logic's three cornerstones: the completeness of first-order logic, Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems, and Turing's analysis of computability. In addition to the central text, an appendix explains the required technical terminology and facts. The main ideas behind the three cornerstones are explained in a simple, easy-to-grasp manner, and it is possible to select among the chapters and sections so that the reader becomes familiar with these ideas, even if some technicalities are skipped or postponed. A wealth of exercises accompany a wide selection of materials, including the histories and philosophical implications of the three main premises, making it useful as a textbook for undergraduate or graduate courses focusing on any of the three main themes. The material is rigorous and detailed but keeps the main ideas in sight, and there are numerous excursions into more advanced material for curious readers to explore.

Dag Westerståhl is professor emeritus of theoretical philosophy and logic at Stockholm University. His recent research is in the area of generalized quantifiers, formal semantics, and the philosophy of logic.

December 2023


  • Preface
  • 1 Introduction
    1.1 Completeness
    1.2 Incompleteness
    1.3 Computability
    1.4 Plan
  • Background
  • First-order logic
    2.1 Object language and metalanguage
    2.2 Propositional logic (PL)
    2.2.1 PL syntax
    2.2.2 PL semantics
    2.2.3 Logical consequence
    2.3 First-order logic (FOL)
    2.3.1 FOL syntax
    2.3.2 FOL semantics
    2.3.3 Logical consequence (again)
    2.3.4 Equivalent formulas
    2.4 Exercises to Chapter 2
  • 3 Inference
    3.1 Natural deduction
    3.1.1 Rules for the connectives
    3.1.2 Rules for the quantifiers and identity
    3.1.3 Exercises to Chapter 3.1
    3.2 Interlude: constants as parameters
    3.3 A Hilbert system
    3.3.1 Axioms and rules
    3.3.2 The Deduction Theorem
    3.3.3 *H versus ND
    3.3.4 Exercises to Chapter 3.3
  • II Completeness
  • 4 Completeness: PL
    4.1 Soundness
    4.2 Derivability and consistency
    4.3 Maximal consistent sets
    4.4 Building the interpretation
    4.5 Lindenbaum's Lemma
    4.6 Overview
    4.7 *Digression: maximal consistent sets as possible worlds
    4.8 Exercises to Chapter 4
  • 5 Completeness: FOL
    5.1 Models
    5.2 Structure of the proof
    5.3 Model construction and Truth Lemma
    5.4 Proof of Lindenbaum's Lemma
    5.5 Bringing in identity
    5.6 Exercises to Chapter 5
  • 6 Model theory
    6.1 Expressing numerical claims
    6.1.1 Numerical quantifiers
    6.2 Order relations
    6.3 Equivalence relations
    6.4 Isomorphic models
    6.4.1 The Isomorphism Lemma
    6.4.2 Examples
    6.5 *Definability
    6.6 Theories
    6.6.1 Axiomatizable theories
    6.6.2 Categorical theories
    6.6.3 Complete theories
    6.7 The Compactness Theorem
    6.8 The Löwenheim-Skolem Theorem
    6.9 Other quantifiers
    6.9.1 Generalized quantifiers
    6.9.2 Quantifiers and natural language
    6.10 Back-and-forth of elementary equivalence
    6.10.1 EF-games
    6.10.2 Three applications
    6.10.3 A formulation without games
    6.11 *Lindström's Theorem
    6.12 Concluding remarks
    6.13 Exercises to Chapter 6
  • III Incompleteness
  • 7 Incompleteness and undecidability
    7.1 Background to Parts III and IV
    7.1.1 Incompleteness
    7.1.2 Computability
    7.1.3 Outline
    7.2 Road to incompleteness
    7.2.1 First-order theories
    7.2.2 Arithmetical theories and truth
    7.2.3 The incompleteness theorems
    7.2.4 To do
    7.3 Exercises to Chapter 7
  • 8 Primitive recursive functions & relations
    8.1 Basic functions
    8.2 Composition
    8.3 Primitive recursion
    8.4 *(Incredibly) fast growing functions
    8.5 Examples of recursive functions and relations
    8.5.1 Predecessors, subtraction, sign functions, etc.
    8.5.2 Booleans, bounded quantification and -operator, definition by cases
    8.6 Division
    8.6.1 Remainder and quotient
    8.6.2 *Using the integers
    8.6.3 *Greatest common divisor
    8.6.4 *Congruence classes
    8.6.5 Enumerating the prime numbers
    8.6.6 *The fundamental theorem of arithmetic
    8.6.7 *The Chinese remainder theorem
    8.7 Coding with exponentiation and prime numbers
    8.7.2 *Coding with the function: 1
    8.7.3 *Coding with the function: 2
    8.7.4 *Coding by iterating the pairing function
    8.8 Course-of-values recursion
    8.9 Exercises to Chapter 8
  • 9 Peano Arithmetic
    9.1 The axioms of PA
    9.2 Properties of addition and multiplication
    9.3 Digression: 2+2=4
    9.4 The order relation in PA
    9.5 More on addition, multiplication, order
    9.6 Bounded quantification in PA
    9.7 Closed terms in PA
    9.8 Arithmetical definability
    9.9 Representability in arithmetical theories
    9.9.1 Representable functions
    9.10 Exercises to Chapter 9
  • 10 Representability of p. r. functions
    10.1 The basic functions are representable
    10.2 Composition and representability
    10.3 Representability of primitive recursion
    10.4 Summary and commitment
    10.5 Exercises to Chapter 10
  • 11 Arithmetization
    11.1 Gödel numbering of PA
    11.2 Syntax as number theory
    11.3 Terms and formulas
    11.4 Sentencs
    11.5 Axioms
    11.6 *Substitution
    11.7 Proofs
    11.8 The formula PrfT px; yq
    11.9 Exercises to Chapter 11
  • 12 Incompleteness
    12.1 The Diagonal Lemma
    12.2 The first incompleteness theorem
    12.3 Rosser sentences
    12.4 The second incompleteness theorem
    12.4.1 *Reflexive theories
    12.4.2 *The sentence ConT
    12.5 Löb's theorem
    12.6 *More about the provability predicate
    12.7 *Provability and modal logic
    12.7.1 A modal notation
    12.7.2 Basic modal logic
    12.7.3 Provability logic
    12.8 Incompleteness for other theories
    12.8.1 Interpretability
    12.8.2 *Interpretability of consistency
    12.9 What do Gödel's theorems mean?
    12.8.1 Goldbach-like statements
    12.9.2 Truth and consistency
    12.10 Exercises to Chapter 12
  • IV Computability
  • 13 Decidability
    13.1 Decidability 1: definitions and facts
    13.1.1 Turing machines
    13.1.2 Recursive functions
    13.1.3 Turing computability versus recursivity
    13.1.4 Representability of recursive functions
    13.1.5 The incompleteness theorems revisited
    13.2 *Decidability 2: details
    13.2.1 Recursive functions are strongly computable
    13.2.2 Computable functions are recursive
    13.3 Exercises to Chapter 13
  • 14 Undecidability
    14.1 Undecidable extensions of PA
    14.2 Finitely axiomatizable arithmetical theories
    14.3 The undecidability of first-order logic
    14.3.1 *Digression: some decidable theories
    14.4 Robinsons arithmetic
    14.5 Representability by E1 formulas
    14.5.1 ∆0 E1 and ∏1 formulas
    14.5.2 E1-completeness and its consequences
    14.5.3 Complexity of some familiar formulas
    14.6 *Weak systems of arithmetic
    14.7 Undecidability of the halting problem
    14.8 Exercises to Chapter 14
  • 15 Computability theory
    15.1 Recursively enumerable sets
    15.1.1 Basic properties
    15.1.2 Craig's Theorem
    15.1.3 Sets versus relations
    15.2 Post's Lemma
    15.3 Representability again
    15.4 The arithmetical hierarchy
    15.5 *Hilbert's 10th problem
    15.6 Universal Turing machines
    15.7 The s-m-n theorem
    15.8 Enumerating the r.e. sets
    15.9 *The Fixed Point Theorem
    15.10 m-reducability
    15.11 Post's Problem, creative and simple sets
    15.12 Taking stock
    15.13 Applications to logic
    15.13.1 The set of true arithmetical sentences
    15.13.2 Creative theories
    15.14 Exercises to Chapter 15
  • Appendix
  • 16 Sets, functions, relations
    16.1 Sets
    16.1.1 Exercises to Section 16.1

ISBN (paperback): 9781684000005
ISBN (electronic): 9781684000784

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