admit V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul The report was admitted by the administration to be incorrect. The evidence was admitted to have been tampered with by the police. allow V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp*_nn temp_simul The famine allowed the disease to spread. The weather allowed them to have the demonstration but the police prevented them. This Roman construction technique allowed there to be more space and light inside a building. appoint V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp* temp_forward_shift Ed was appointed to run the shop. attempt V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_nn temp_simul Ed didn't even attempt to move. bear V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul John couldn't bear to leave. Can you bear to miss this picnic? I wonder if she bears to use her kitty hair dryer. begin V-SUBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul It had begun to rain. It never began to rain. bother V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed didn't bother to show up for the meeting. If you ever bother to show up, you will find out for yourself. bring V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed brought himself to confess. He had almost brought himself to think that she would give in. If the President will not bring himself to accept reality, it is time for Congress to bring reality to him. care V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed didn't care to go (but he went anyway). Not only did she care to do a good job, she also gave me tips. cause V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_forward_shift_tense_bound The magician caused the children to cry. The bad weather caused us to meet a day later. come V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Eventually, Ed came to know about the story. How come the consumers did not come to know abut it until now? compel V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp* temp_forward_shift Ed compelled Bill to show up tomorrow. The court accepted these arguments and did not compell the accountant to testify. compel V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp* temp_forward_shift The subpoena compelled there to be a new trial. There are laws which compel there to be access to buildings wherever this is possible. compete V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_nn temp_simul Ed didn't compete to solve the problem. condemn V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp*_nn* temp_forward_shift They condemned him to die tomorrow. condescend V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_forward_shift They have condescended to show up at the meeting tomorrow. They didn't even condescend to apply. consent V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp*_nn* temp_forward_shift Ed consented to participate in the drug trial. I never consented to be a witness. continue V-SUBJexpl-XCOMPinf fact_p temp_simul It continued to rain. convince V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp*_nn* temp_forward_shift Ed convinced Mary to come to the party tomorrow. dare V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed dared to speak. decline V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pn temp_forward_shift Ed declined to come to the party tomorrow. deign V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed didn't deign to sign the book. If you ever deign to show some interest in the work, we will give you all the details at our disposal. discover V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul Ed discovered Bill to be in Paris. Ed discovered Bill to have left early. drive V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul Ed was driven to write poetry. drive V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp Low pressure drove it to rain enable V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul The grant enabled Mary to write for a year. fail V-SUBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pn_np temp_simul Ed failed to open the door. forbid V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pn* temp_simul Ed's common sense forbade him to answer. force V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_forward_shift The rules forced there to be a rematch. force V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_forward_shift Ed was forced to leave early. We forced Ed to attend the meeting tomorrow. forget V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pn_np temp_simul Ed forgot to go to the doctor. get V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul/temp_forward_shift Ed got it to rain sparks. Ed got me to go to the movies with him tomorrow. get V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed got to write to the doctor. go V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf_prt(on_) impl_pp_nn temp_forward_shift_tense_bound Ed went on to become famous three years later. grow V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed grew to like Mary. happen V-SUBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed happened to see Mary at the library. hasten V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul Ed hastened to go. have V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp* temp_simul Ed had to leave early. have V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPbase impl_pp_nn temp_forward_shift_tense_bound John had Mary leave the following day. Conservatives had the court advance their political agenda. help V-SUBJ-XCOMPbase impl_pp temp_simul Ed helped clean the house. help V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPbase impl_pp temp_forward_shift_tense_bound John helped Mary be at the meeting the following day. help V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul Ed helped to clean the house. help V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul John helped Mary to pack. hesitate V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_np temp_simul Ed didn't hesitate to argue the case. induce V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp* temp_forward_shift Ed was induced to attend the conference tomorrow. influence V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp* temp_forward_shift Ed was influenced to vote for the new candidate. inspire V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp* temp_forward_shift Ed inspired Bill to write to the president. jump V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul Ed jumped to help John. know V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed knew to pay attention. lead V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul Falling profits led the company to explore new paths. Apple's legendary secrecy led the company to employ unusual tactics in acquiring the "iPad" trademark from Chinese company Proview. lead V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul Growth encouraging policies led there to be much available capital. learn V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp*_nn* temp_forward_shift Ed learned to fly. let V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPbase impl_pp_nn temp_simul John didn't let Mary leave. The new money let us go on with the project. live V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed lived to draw. make V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPbase impl_pp temp_forward_shift_tense_bound John made Mary leave the following day. make V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPbase impl_pp temp_simul Low pressure made it rain. manage V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed managed to leave. mean V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_np temp_simul Ed didn't mean to pick an argument with them yesterday. neglect V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pn_np temp_simul Ed neglected to call Mary. observe V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul The Deputy observed there to be a red mark on her face. opt V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp* temp_forward_shift Ed opted to close the factory. permit V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_nn temp_forward_shift The weather didn't permit there to be outdoor dancing. permit V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_nn* temp_forward_shift The situation didn't permit Ed to be here tomorrow. persuade V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp*_nn* temp_forward_shift Ed persuaded Mary to exhibit at the show next year. prevail V-SUBJ-OBL-XCOMPinf(on) impl_pp_nn temp_forward_shift Ed prevailed on Mary to preside over the meeting tomorrow. proceed V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed proceeded to write. prove V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul Ed proved there to be errors in the report. provoke V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_forward_shift Ed provoked there to be a bus strike. provoke V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_forward_shift The union was provoked to start a strike next week. qualify V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_nn temp_forward_shift Ed didn't qualify to play in the championship next month. recognize V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf fact_p temp_simul John recognized the idea to be foolish. refrain V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pn_np temp_simul Ed refrained to comment. refuse V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pn temp_forward_shift Ed refused to come to the party tomorrow. relearn V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp*_nn* temp_forward_shift Ed relearned to walk. remain V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pn temp_simul Ed remained to become convinced. remember V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed remembered to go. reveal V-SUBJ-OBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul John was revealed to have worked for th KGB The man arrested in connection with the kidnapping of a ten-year-old boy was revealed to have been a pirate radio DJ. rope V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf_prt(in_) impl_pp temp_forward_shift John roped in Mary to set the table for the party tomorrow. serve V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Canals served to convey traffic through the city. show V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf_prt(up_) impl_pp temp_simul Ed showed John up to be lazy. start V-SUBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul It didn't start to rain. start V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf_prt(in_) impl_pp_nn temp_simul John started in to write the novel. stay V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_forward_shift Ed didn't stay to attend the wedding tomorrow. tend V-SUBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp temp_simul It tended to rain a lto. think V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_nn temp_forward_shift Ed didn't think to sell it. trouble V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_forward_shift Bill troubled Ed to go to the store. trouble V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_forward_shift Ed had troubled to cook. turn V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf_prt(out_) impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed turned out to drink. use V-SUBJ-OBJ-XCOMPinf_scon impl_pp temp_simul John used the key to open the door. use V-SUBJexpl-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed used to drink. wake V-SUBJ-XCOMPinf impl_pp_nn temp_simul Ed woke to find that breakfast had arrived.