Copyright 2012@Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University Syntactic categorizations: ADJ-EXTRAfin: it is ADJ that S; it is ADJ for/to NP that S; For all of those there is also a non extraposed form That S is ADJ but those are used less; I have not checked on the for/to phrases, they are not always felicituous i think. ADJ-EXTRAinf: it is ADJ to VP; it is ADJ for NP to VP; again there is a non extraposed form that is less usual. ADJ-EQUI: He was ADJ to VP ADJ-EQUI-INGprep: He was ADJ prep VPing; but it isn't clear that they ever are real equi constructions: along with He was aware of being followed, one has He was aware of John('s) being followed: anything that can be a ing nominalization works but I suspect that most of the time the subject of the adjective clause will be the subject of the embedded clause too. ADJ-COMP: He was ADJ that S ADJ-RAISING: He was apt to please ADJ-OBJ-CONTROL: He was easy to please ADJ-SUBJto: To VP was ADJ; we are not looking at these now; should be the same class as the ADJ-EXTRAinf. ADJ-SUBJing: VPing was ADJ; we are not looking at these now ADJ-SUJthat: That S was ADJ; we are not looking at these now; should be the same class as the ADJ-EXTRAfin Semantic categorizations impl_pp-nn: He was ADJ to VP --> He VP; He was not ADJ to VP --> he didn't VP impl_pp: it is ADJ that S --> S; it is not ADJ that S --> ??? impl_nn: He was not ADJ to VP --> He didn't VP; he is ADJ to VP --> ??? impl_pn_np: He was ADJ to VP --> he didn't VP; he was not ADJ to VP --> he VP impl_pn: He was ADJ to VP --> He didn't VP (he was unable to come) impl_np: He wasn't ADJ to VP --> He VP fact_p: it is ADJ that S --> S; it isn't ADJ that S --> S. nonimpl: none of the above implicational signatures apply. Emotive ones are factive, the others divided in cognitive ones where we need more classes. (abashed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (affronted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (afraid, ADJ-COMP, noimpl).# He was afraid that it had happened --> no impl but often used at least as impl_pp: I am afraid he just left (aggravated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (aggrieved, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (aghast, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (agitated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (alarmed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (amazed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (amused, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (angered, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (angry, ADJ-COMP, fact_p).# he was angry that it had happened --> it had happened (anguished, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (annoyed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (anxious, ADJ-COMP, noimpl). (appalled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (appreciative, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (aroused, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (ashamed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (astonished, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (astounded, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (aware, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (awed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (awestruck, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (baffled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (becharmed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (bedazed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (bedazzled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (beguiled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (bemuddled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (benumbed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (bewildered, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (bewitched, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (bitter, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (blissful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (boggled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (bored, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (bothered, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (breaved, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (brokenhearted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (captivated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (chafed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (chagrined, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (charmed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (cheered, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (chilled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (clear, ADJ-COMP, noimpl).# Mike McQueary testifies he was clear that he reported sexual nature of what he saw. He was clear that the transformation from capitalism to socialism required mass participation. Ascribes opinion to subject of sentence but not to the speaker (cognizant, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (comforted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (concerned, ADJ-COMP, noimpl). (confident, ADJ-COMP, noimpl).#maybe something weaker to be annotated here? (confounded, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (confused, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (conscious, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (consoled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (content, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (contented, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (convulsed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (crushed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (cut, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (daunted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (dazed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (dazzled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (dejected, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (delerious, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (delighted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (demolished, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (depressed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (despondent, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (disappointed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (discomfitted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (discomposed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (disconcerted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (disconsolate, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (discouraged, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (disenchanted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (disgruntled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (disgusted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (disheartened, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (disillusioned, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (dismayed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (dispirited, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (displeased, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (disquieted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (dissatisfied, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (distracted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (distraught, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (distressed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (disturbed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (doleful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (doubtful, ADJ-COMP, noimpl).# maybe something weaker (downcast, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (downheartened, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (dumbfounded, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (ecstatic, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (elated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (electrified, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (embarrassed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (embittered, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (emboldened, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (emphatic, ADJ-COMP, noimpl).# maybe something weaker (enchanted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (encouraged, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (enervated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (enflamed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (enfuriated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (enraged, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (enraptured, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (enravished, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (entertained, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (enthused, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (entralled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (entranced, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (exacerbated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (exasperated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (excited, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (exhilerated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (exuberant, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (fascinated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (fearful, ADJ-COMP, noimpl). (flabbergasted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (flattered, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (flustered, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (fortunate, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (frantic, ADJ-COMP, noimpl). (frenzied,ADJ-COMP, noimpl).#??? (frightened,ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (frustrated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (fuffled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (furious, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (galled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (galvanized, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (gay, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (glad, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (gladdened, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (gleeful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (glum, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (grateful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p) (grateful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (gratified, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (grieved, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (happy, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (harrowed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (haunted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (heartbroken, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (hopeful, ADJ-COMP, noimpl). (horrified, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (humbled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (humiliated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (hurt, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (impressed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (incensed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (inconsolable, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (indignant, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (inflamed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (informed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (infuriated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (insecure, ADJ-COMP, noimpl). #he is insecure that he can't do that on his own (insistent, ADJ-COMP, noimpl). (inspired, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (insulted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (interested, ADJ-COMP, noimpl).He is interested that his students learn (intimidated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (intrigued, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (irate, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (ireful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (irked, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (irritated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (jarred, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (jealous, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (joyful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (joyous, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (jubilant, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (keen, ADJ-COMP, noimpl). (lighthearted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (lucky, ADJ-COMP, fact_p).# (mad, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (maddened, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (melancholy, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (merry, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (mesmerized, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (miffed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (mirthful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (miserable, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (mollified, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (mortified, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (moved, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (mystified, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (nausated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (nerved, ADJ-COMP, noimpl). #??? (nettled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (numbed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (obsessed, ADJ-COMP, noimpl) (obvious, ADJ-COMP, fact_p).#???He was obvious that he didn't know what emissivity was and he was able only to transfer his ignorance of the subject to the students. (offended, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (optimistic, ADJ-COMP, noimpl). (outraged, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (outraged, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (overjoyed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (overwhelmed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (pacified, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (pained, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (peeved, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (penitent, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (perplexed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (perturbed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (piqued, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (placated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (pleased, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (privy, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (preoccupied, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (proud, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (provoked, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (puzzled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (quieted, ADJ-COMP, noimpl).# don't understand the examples, all pornography (rancorous, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (rankled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (raptuous, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (reassured, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (regretful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (relieved, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (remorseful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (repelled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (repentant, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (revolted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (right, ADJ-COMP, 'impl_pp'). (riled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (rueful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (sad, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (saddened, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (satisfied, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (scandalized, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (scared, ADJ-COMP, impl_np). (shamed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (shameful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). #he is shameful that he does not have the money to pay his landlady. (shocked, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (sensible, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (sobered, ADJ-COMP, fact_p).# there is one example (solaced, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (sorrowful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (sorry, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (spooked, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (staggered, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (startled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (startled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (stunned, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (stupefied, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (sure, ADJ-COMP, impl_pp). (surprised, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (tearful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (terrified, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (thrilled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (tickled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (titillated, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (tormented, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (tortured, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (troubled, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (uncertain, ADJ-COMP, noimpl).#need something weaker (unclear, ADJ-COMP, noimpl).# see worried (unconcerned, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (unconvinced, ADJ-COMP, noimpl). #?? (ungrateful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (unhappy, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (unlucky, ADJ-COMP, fact_p).# (unnerved, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (unsure, ADJ-COMP, noimpl).# need something weaker? (uplifted, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (upset, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (vexed, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (wearied, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (weary, ADJ-COMP, noimpl). #??? see worried (wistful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (woebegone, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (woeful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (worried, ADJ-COMP, noimpl).# (wounded, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (wrathful, ADJ-COMP, fact_p). (wrong, ADJ-COMP, impl_pn_np).