Machine Name
    Stauffer I 18B


   400 MHz NMR spectrometer
   Varian Mercury console
   Sun Blade 100

    Solaris 2.8
    VNMR 6.1C
    Primary Uses of Instrument
    1) 1D 1H, 13C, 19F, 31P
    2) Basic 2D experiments, gCOSY
    3) 1D with variable temperature, -100C to 150C         
   5mm 4-Nucleus (13C/31P-1H/19F) (Standard Probe)
       Ideal for easy detection of 31P and 19F
       Broadband detect probe, better signal-to-noise on 13C and 31P

    5mm Inverse Pulsed Field Gradient Probe
       Tunable to X nuclei from 31P (121 MHz) to 15N (30 MHz)
       Ideal for proton detection, all basic 2D experiments

       HMQC/HSQC/HMBC (1H/13C or 1H/15N)
       31P/1H Heteronuclear COSY/TOCSY


Detection of 19F or 31P
What Probe Should You Choose?
Probes for Mercury 400
Gradient Shimming
Calibrate 1H 90* Pulse


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