2D Set-Up Macros

There are set-up macros for all of the basic 2D experiments: gCOSY, TOCSY, gHSQC, gHMQC, gHMBC, ROESY, NOESY (and others as well). All depend upon good 1H parameter sets to start (including, tof, solvent, sw, gain). The macros will take those parameters in addition to probe defaults and create a moderately correct parameter set for the various 2Ds. If tuning is not optimal, the pulse width parameters will not be correct, so the probe should be tuned if possible, if not possible (such as on 4-nucleus auotswitchable probe on Mercury 400), the pulse widths should be calibrated. In addition, TOCSY and ROESY depend upon a second proton pulse which will not always be optimal and may need to be calibrated even when tuning is good.





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