Nutrient Cycling and Limitation: Hawai'i as a Model System

This discussion represents the “more complete analysis of between-site variations and uncertainties in the major factors controlling ecosystem properties and processes across” a substrate age gradient that is promised in Nutrient Cycling and Limitation: Hawai’i as a Model System.

Book Cover

Data for Book Figures by Chapter:

Chapter 2 - The Hawaiin Islands as a Model Ecosystem

Chapter 3 - Gradients in Environmental Factors, Gradients in Ecosystems

Chapter 4 - Patterns and Processes in Long-Term Ecosystem Development

Chapter 5 - Experimental Studies of Nutrient Limitation and the Regulation of Nutrient Cycling

Chapter 6 - Nutrient Inputs to Hawaiian Ecosystems: Pathways, Rates, and Controls

Chapter 7 - Nutrient Outputs: Pathways, Controls, and Input-Output Budgets

Chapter 8 - Nutrient Cycling and Limitation: Issues and Opportunities

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