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Redwood City/Midpoint Technology Park Expansion Project

IT Services Teams/Participants

People Move Team:

Jon Pilat (manager), Dani Aivazian, John Freshwaters, Jay Heyman, Christopher Kittle, Stacy Lee, Chris Lundin, and Christine Wynkoop.

Services Move Team:

Currently working on the budget proposal for services moves are Jon Pilat (manager), Jay Kohn, Lea Roberts, Russ Allbery, Xueshan Feng, Erik Cummings, John Freshwaters, Bernadette Drechsler, Tilak Dhar, and Steve Tingley. Once the budget proposal is completed, Tom Goodrich, Christine Moe, Larry Mazzei, Phil Reese, Bruce Vincent, Drew Saunders, and Pat Luma and some of the original Services Move team will start coordinating the actual moves.

Data Center Build Team:

Bob Moya (manager), Doug Fink, Pat Luma, Bill Macintosh, Larry Mazzei, Jon Pilat, Sean Riordan, and Bert Stubbs.

Steering Committee:

Jon Pilat (manager), Bill Clebsch, Jan Cicero, Jay Kohn, Dani Aivazian, Bob Moya, John Freshwaters, Noel Hirst, and Bruce Vincent.

Last modified Friday, 09-Dec-2005 11:39:34 AM

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