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Welcome to the Search Tool for The Sound and the Fury!

This tool allows you to enter a keyword and search the text of The Sound and the Fury for all instances of that word. You can also refine your search to separate sections (indicated by their narrative voices) of the text. The resulting page will return statistics for the number of times the keyword occurs in the text, the percentage of total text that the keyword makes up, and each occurrence of that word, in context.

Enter the keyword that you would like to search for in the first field, and in the second field, the number of words in context before and after that keyword that you would like to see.

(Note: unless you want your search to be case sensitive, please enter it into the first field in all lower case letters.)

Please enter your keyword here:

How many words of context before and after that word would you like to see?

Which section of the text would you like to search?

Make your search caps sensitive

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