Computers and Social Decisions (3 units)
Spring Quarter 2001-2002, Stanford University
Instructor:  Todd Davies

Market Failure and the Internet (5/22&29/02)

Efficiency versus equity

Conditions for perfect market efficiency - Pareto optimality; the two fundamental theorems of welfare economics as a formalization of Adam Smith's "invisible hand"; importance of "lump-sum" transfers Causes of market failures of efficiency - following Steiner, 1977, and Stevens, 1993 Equity theories Market failures of equity Questions for discussion:

(1) How does the Internet affect all of this?

(2) What is the solution to market failure?

(3) What are the problems with this solution, and how does the Internet affect the prospects for addressing these problems?

(4) What effect does the dimension of voluntary versus coerced participation have on social decision procedures?

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