Player Profile : The Infertility Lobby

RESOLVE's advocacy efforts for increased funding for infertility research came to fruition this year.  RESOLVE supported increased funding for the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (both of which conduct infertility-related research), and the Centers for Disease Control's STD Program (which includes an Infertility Prevention Program).  The NIH received $17.9 billion (a 14.7% increase from 1999), the NICHD was allocated $862 million (a 14.5% increase from 1999) and the CDC's STD program was given $137,597 million (a 10% increase from 1999) in funding for their year 2000 activities.

Currently, RESOLVE is working toward enactment of the Hope for Children Act, which would make the adoption tax credit permanent and would increase both the allowable tax credit and maximum income level at which a credit can still be claimed.  Clearly, the efforts of RESOLVE touch upon a wide variety of infertility-related issues.

          RESOLVE will continue to lobby, through petitions, pamphlets, letter-writing campaigns, informed
          dialogues among insurers, physicians, ethicists and consumers and through a variety of other means, to better the
          situation of the six million infertile couples in our nation.

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