RAD226a/BIOE326a - In Vivo MR: Spin Physics and Spectroscopy

Winter 2018-2019


A full understanding of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) requires knowledge beyond k-space and acquisition methods. RAD226a/b is a two-quarter sequence that covers fundamental aspects of in vivo magnetic resonance experiments unrelated to spatial localization and answers such questions as from where does the MR signal arise, how is it modified by in vivo processes, and how these processes can be exploited to generate tissue contrast and new biological information.

RAD226a “In Vivo MR: Spin Physics and Spectroscopy” (cross-listed with BIOE326a)

Description: Collections of identical independent nuclear spins are well described by the classical vector model of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), however, interactions among spins, as occur in many in vivo processes, require a more complete description. This course covers the basic physics and engineering principles of these interactions with emphasis on current research questions and clinical applications. Topics include density matrix theory, product operator formalism, in vivo spectroscopy, and multinuclear studies.

Prerequisites: familiarity with MRI and linear algebra.

Offered: 2018-19 Winter quarter (1st class 1/8/18), T, Th, 3:00-4:20 pm, Lucas Center P069.

3 units.

See RAD 226a in Stanford Explore Courses


  • Office hours 2:00-3:00 pm Tues/Thurs