(Conic) Linear Optimization
2023-2024 Autumn

| Announcements (Updated Frequently) | General Info | Course Info | Handouts | Assignments |


Welcome to MS&E 310, 2023-2024!

This course emphasizes theories, algorithms and recent progresses in Conic Linear Optimization---one of the central mathematical decision models in Engineering, Management Science and Operations Research. Check "Course Info" page for more information.

Lecture notes in "Handouts" page may be updated and please check them frequently.
Application highlits of this year include: Online Linear Programming, Dynamic and Online Pricing/Resource-Allocation, SVM and Data Classification, Markov Decision Process and Reinforcement Learning, Data Wassestein Berry Center via Optimal Transport, Sensor-Network Localization, Max-Cut and Bisection Relaxations, Algorithmic Game Equilibrium, Core of Games, Distributionally Robust Decisioning and Learning, Financial Techniques and Risk Management, Sparse and Low Rank Regression,... .