Suggestions for Improvement(s) to XLE Length: 1 page (you are welcome to do more) Due date: Friday, March 20th, midnight Format: whatever is easiest (plain text is fine) Write up at least one concrete suggestion for improvements to XLE (concrete means not something vague like "better debugging tools"). The description should include what the problem is and what a better version would be like (don't worry if you are not sure whether what you would like can be easily added). The suggestions can come from any part of the XLE system that you used during the course. They can be something that would make XLE easier for the absolute novice user (e.g., someone doing homework 1) or for more advanced users (e.g., you now or what you would imagine you needed if you were using XLE in a project). You can describe one improvement in detail or several improvements in a more general way. If you need more than a page, that is fine. XLE is being used by more and more people both as a teaching tool and as a development platform, and so we are looking for ways to make users' lives simpler. Thus, there is a very good chance that your suggestions will be incorporated into XLE and will make things easier for future students and grammar writers.