Monthly Archives: March 2014

Welcome, GSBGEN 317 Students!

The class will use this platform for the students’ blog entries. The entries are a part of our class experience:

We will assign four or five students to write a 400 to 600 word blog entry for each class period. You will only be expected to do this one time in the class, though you may petition for the chance to do this more often. These entries will allow you to begin articulating your professional reputation to the wider business community. We will provide you with feedback on your blog entry.

We think that having an actual blog, open to the whole world, connects well with the idea that the things you communicate these days are often open for everyone to see and you are rarely in control of who gets to see it (and this ties nicely with reputation management).


Note: If you are not comfortable publishing your blog entry here, let the TA know and we’ll give you a way to fulfill this requirement without having to publish your work to the Web.