Sexual Violence/Violence Against Women II: Expanding the Definition

         A. Sexual harassment [review]
                 1. history
                 2. extent
                 3. defined: quid pro quo or condition of work
                 4. legal responses and limits

         B. "incest" - the sexual abuse of children
                1. Rush, "best kept secret"
                         age and gender hierarchies
                         personal costs
                2. Why silence?
                         role of Freudian theory 1920s-1970s
                         difficulty of children reporting
                         under reporting
                        suppressed memory; controversy over false memory
                 3. feminist analysis
                         Judith Herman on paternal dominance and maternal
                         Florence rush on eroticization of children
                         daughters and resistance
                   4. feminist response
                         naming, survivor groups, services, sex. ed.
         C. domestic violence
                    1. Historical context : from patriarchal right to marital cruelty
                         Class and race stereotypes
                     2. Extent - see Web data too
                         U.S., California
                         Brazil, Asia
                     3. feminist analysis
                         Cross class
                         Economic dependency
                    4. feminist response
                            Naming, public protests
                         services [shelters]
                         Legal reforms: police and courts