Winter Quarter 2024

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Lathrop Library Classroom 282
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:50pm PST

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Team Formation

Considerations for Team Formation
Questions to ask Potential Project Team Members
Team Formation Preparedness
Available Team Projects
Project Selection & Team Formation Procedure
Students Working on Team Projects
Students' Project Preferences
Formed Project Teams

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Considerations for Team Formation

Project preference
All team members should have a desire to work on the same project.
Team's engineering skill set
The team's expertise should match up with the project needs.
There should be a compatible mix of personalities in the team.
Friends and team members
A good friend does not necessarily make a good team mate.

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Questions to ask Potential Project Team Members

  1. Do you have fabrication / PRL experience?
  2. Do you have sufficient time to devote to this project?
  3. Are you taking other project courses this quarter?
  4. Do you have a passion for this project?
  5. Is there any reason that you would not make a good team member?

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Team Formation Preparedness

Since there is no guarantee that other students will have similar project interests, you should be prepared to do one of the following:

  1. convince others to work with you on one of your selected projects
  2. consider working with another student on a project he/she has chosen
  3. keep an open mind

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Available Team Projects

Here is a listing of available team projects with links to their descriptions in the order of their pitch presentation. (Projects that have already been chosen by a project team are not shown.)

Projects pitched by their suggestors:

Projects pitched by Dave:

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Project Selection & Team Formation Procedure


  1. Make sure the project your are interested in is available
  2. Refer to Preference by Projects and contact other students who have similar project interests
  3. Verify their desire and availability to work on the project
  4. Once a team of four is formed, email Dave with your project selection, team members, and team name (optional)


  1. Students currently on this Wait List can be chosen to be on a project team, but their official enrollment in the course is still pending.
  2. Teams will have exactly four members
  3. Teams of less than four are only ok if the number of students is not divisible by four. In that case, teams of three will be formed.
  4. The Magical Bridge Playground Project can support two teams
  5. Projects are reserved on a "first to email" basis

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Students Working on Team Projects

Here is a listing of available students working on team projects including a short description of their skills, expertise, and passion. (Students who have already formed a team are listed with a gray border.)

Bakare, Fara Faramola

photo of Fara

Short Description:

My name is Fara Bakare, I am studying Science, Technology & Society. I took ME 101 last quarter and I really enjoyed building physical automatas. I am also enrolled in ME 102 for this quarter so I am hoping that will enhance my skills to transform design concepts into tangible models/prototypes that cultivate the emergence of mechanical aptitude.

I am interested in exploring an assistive technology to do with live auditory experiences such as concerts, festivals, and performances. I am also really interested in redefining physical spaces and the experiences those with disabilities have with the space including but not limited to wellness, playgrounds. I am also very interested in the creative space. So I am naturally I am very drawn to Magical Bridge Foundation.

Bell, Spencer

photo of Spencer

Short Description:

I am a senior in mechanical engineering. I have a lot of experience with fabrication in many different processes. I have also worked on many engineering projects and have written reports for many of them.

Brown, Makayla

photo of Makayla
Product Design

Short Description:

Hello! My name is Makayla and I am super excited to take this class and work with other students to create an impactful project. One of the reasons this class stuck out to me was because my mom has a disability and because of it I have been interested in assistive and medical technology since before coming to Stanford. I have had time to work on fabrication skills through classes like ME 102 and ME 103, and I am largely available on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays this quarter, especially during the day. Weekends are also a time I can work on a project. Again, I am super excited to create something impactful and I can't wait to see where this class takes me.

Buck, Ginger Ann

photo of Ginger

Short Description:

Hi! I've taken ME102, and I've used the prl for personal projects and clubs like SSI and Moonshot. I'm in two other project courses (BIOE 44 and 123) this quarter, so it's important to me to be able to schedule work sessions in advance. I have good presentation skills and an average amount of experience with report writing. I'm eager to learn from real people about ways their needs have been overlooked in design and come up with solutions.

Burrell, Lucy McCarthy

photo of Lucy
STS (BS) & Communications

Short Description:

I have experience with fabrication in ME102 and lots of reporting & writing experience in heavily weighted essay classes. I'm not in any other project classes this quarter and don't have a particularly heavy workload this quarter either, so can devote a lot of time to these cool projects!

Chiu, Sebastian

photo of Sebastian

Short Description:

I'll start off with my passion for helping people with disabilities. At some point in our lives we will be disabled and that is a fact. The healthiest people still age and lose ability to function in ways they did when they were younger and we as a society should accept that and work on ways to make life easier for each other.

I work well with 3d modeling (Fusion360)

Fabrication processes I work well with are CNC, 3d printing, mill, lathe, woodworking im okay with (could become more skilled for sure), casting, laser cutting.

I have a semi heavy quarter but not the most workload heavy.

Contreras-Forrest, Ezekiel Earl

photo of Ezekiel

Short Description:

Correa, Isabella Cailey

photo of Isabella

Short Description:

Hi, I'm a mechanical engineering product realization major who has taken 102, 103, 104, and 127. I have extensive fabrication experience, including additive manufacturing which is the main mode in Room 36. I'm excited for any project this quarter, but especially wheelchair accessories or assistive technology for service dogs. In terms of work-time availability, I don't have class on Fridays so I am more than willing to spend a few shifts in the PRL that day if necessary.

Dao, Hana Diem

photo of Hana
STS (BS) & Psychology

Short Description:

Diaz, Carlos

photo of Carlos

Short Description:

Senior in mechanical engineering on the product realization track, many hours exp in the PRL, familiar with most processes and machines, available almost all day Mondays and Wednesdays, currently working on a capstone project in assistive technology

Hsia, Senkai

photo of Senkai
International Relations & ME

Short Description:

Ibrahim, Imaan Jasmine

photo of Imaan

Short Description:

Hello! My name is Imaan Ibrahim and I am a junior studying Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Product Realization. I have project experience from ME103 where I gained fabricating experience in the PRL (machining, casting, 3D printing, etc.) and Engineers for a Sustainable World where I worked with an outside partner, wrote project reports, and did multiple presentations. I am taking 16 units this quarter and am more than willing to dedicate extra time to this project and I'm not concerned about my workload. I initially came into Stanford wanting to be a medical device designer and want to explore this passion as well as my interest in making a difference in people's lives through my work!

Jemal, Nejat Shah

photo of Nejat

Short Description:

I haven’t really done any projects in which I made an actual product except in an ee class in summer which did give me a good idea for what this class might look like but I can say I’m very experienced with working with machines or anything like that. I can solder and I’m willing to learn/work on anything else we’ll need to create this project whether it’s 3d printing or anything else. I’ve done a little bit of product management before.

Keneley, Lance A

photo of Lance

Short Description:

Kitzmann, Mathilda

photo of Matilda
ME & Psychology

Short Description:

I am a senior in MechE on the product realization track. Through that I got some experience in manufacturing methods. In my capstone project we are working on the manufacturing process of a wheelchair.

Li, William Z

photo of Kaige

Short Description:

Hi! I'm Will (he/him) a junior studying computer science and English. My background is mainly in software (AI, computer systems, ~some embedded systems), but I'm comfortable w/ CAD, and I'm quite passionate in assistive technology / willing to learn fabrication. I'm also happy and willing to spend the average of 5 hrs a week on the project (largely free on Fridays)!

Miraftab-Salo, Rahi

photo of Rahi
Materials Science & Engineering

Short Description:

I have taken a class similar to this where I created a video game controller setup for people with disabilities, I have also done a senior capstone where worked to create an automatic soccer ball kicking machine, I have a bachelors in mechanical engineering, and am in grad school now for material science.

Moore, Dylan James

photo of Dylan

Short Description:

Hi guys! I'm Dylan - I"m a cancer, a senior, and an asthmatic who's allergic to maple trees. More relevantly, I'm an ME major with a PR concentration (so I feel pretty comfortable with mechanical PRL stuff). I've made a (relatively) more accessible candy dispenser and working with a startup making a battery-alternative energy storage device. Comfortable with engineering writing and presenting but don't have a ton of working time this quarter! So that 5 hours/week will really be a max for me.

The best working times for me are Monday night, Wednesday before dinner, and Friday morning. Hmu if you want to work together!

Painter, Jackson Wells

photo of Jackson

Short Description:

Park, Emily

photo of Emily
Symbolic Systems:

Short Description:

Hi! I'm a senior studying Symbolic Systems with a concentration in Accessibility (undergrad) and CS (coterm). I've taken some classes that required prototyping (i.e. creating some looks-like models), but nothing super technical. I do have a lot of experience presenting and writing, though. I have a pretty easygoing schedule because I'm a coterm, so I'm only taking 10 units. I have a strong passion for working with people with disabilities - I self-designed my concentration in Accessibility.

Sanchez, Maria Isabel

photo of Maria

Short Description:

Hi! My name is Maria and I'm a mechanical engineering senior. I'm passionate about designing and building and have experience in the PRL. I've recently become a fan of Keynote for making presentations??. I have a regular workload this quarter so I'll be able to contribute well and meet with flexibility. I especially loved hearing about the Magical Playground and would really like to work on one of their projects. So, if you're interested too, hit me up!

Schroeder, Olivia Cyan

photo of Olivia

Short Description:

I am a 1st year masters student in Mechanical Engineering and a PRL CA. I have experience with rapid prototyping and fabrication, including manual and CNC machining, woodworking, and TIG welding. I am excited to work on an assistive technology project!

Sogade, Tomi Olumitomit

photo of Tomi
Materials Science & Engineering

Short Description:

Stein, Renn Taylor

photo of Renn

Short Description:

I'm a senior in mechanical engineering with a lot of fabrication and design experience. I've worked on multiple projects both at Stanford and for internships and have written reports for some of them as well. I'm fairly busy but am confident that I will have enough time to meaningfully contribute to my project and am excited to use my skills to help.

Steussy, Calvin Ramon Pizarro

photo of Calvin

Short Description:

I'm a mech-e senior and have a decent amount of fabrication experience. As a teammate my strengths include fabricating and presenting, but available time would certainly be a weak spot as this is a packed quarter.

Ung, Iris Vy

photo of Iris
Communications & STS (BAS)

Short Description:

Hi, everyone! My name is Iris Ung, and I am a senior majoring in Science, Technology, and Society (with a concentration in Innovation and Organization) and Communication.

SKILLS: Project management and organization, Business development, Communication and presenting, Strategy, Design, Report writing.

- One of my favorite projects was part of ENGR 145: Technology Entrepreneurship, where my team and I reinvented fashion shopping. Our immersive fitting room and social shopping platform allowed friends to pick the perfect outfits and try-on experiences for you. Very proud of our end product, and we ended up winning the end-of-quarter pitch competition :)
- Another favorite was for BIOE 122, where our team developed an automated air disinfector and aptamer-based continuous pathogen detector to fight infectious diseases in public transportation systems.

PASSION: During COVID-19, I designed an educational subscription box service for students with disabilities. Overall, I love kids (and people) and am passionate about forming more inclusive, fun spaces :)

Woo, Marisa Wenshan

photo of Marisa
Product Design

Short Description:

Hello! I'm Marisa, a junior studying product design and creative writing. I have taken a few PRL courses, including ME102 and ME103. I am free on Saturdays, evenings, and some mornings to work on the project. I would love to work on individualized projects to customize a solution to a specific person's problem, but if the solution can help a wider audience, that would be even better!

Wu, Song

photo of Song
Art Pracrtice & ME

Short Description:

I am an ME major (Product Realization concentration). I've taken all the PRL course, so I am very comfortable with various prototyping technologies. I am also comfortable presenting and value aesthetics. My schedule is busy this quarter, but I am the tyoe of person to always get my work done even if I cannot meet.

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Students' Project Preferences

Students' Project Preferences Matrix
Click for a larger image

This document lists all students who desire to work on team projects, their project preferences, and the teams already formed. This is an aid to identifiying other students with similar project interests with the goal of forming a team of three members.


  • Students listed in red have not submitted their project preferences
  • Projects with a gray background have been selected
  • Students with a gray background have formed a team

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Formed Project Teams

Team name: Team Re-Creation
3 Team members: Senkai Hsia, Emily Park, Iris Ung
Project: Accessible and Inclusive Playground Attractions (1)

Team name: Team ArtSIStive
3 Team members: Ginger Ann Buck., Hana Dao, Song Wu
Project: Creative Expression for Sylvia

Team name: Danny’s Dawgs
4 Team members: Spencer Bell, Lance Kenely, Jackson Painter, Renn Stein
Project: Dog Kennel Project for Danny's Service Dog Korey

Team name: Accessible Basket Solutions
4 Team members: Sebastian Chiu, Rahi Miraftab-Salo, Tomi Olumitomi, Calvin Steussy
Project: Storage Solution for Danny

Team name: Danny Designers
4 Team members: Lucy Burell, Mathilda Kitmann, Olivia Schroeder, Marisa Woo
Project: Laptray for Danny

Team name: Dream Catchers
4 Team members: Fara Bakare, Ezekiel Contreras Forrest, Nejat Jemal, Maria Isabel Sanchez
Project: Accessible and Inclusive Playground Attractions (2)

Team name: Secure the Bag
4 Team members: Makayla Brown, Carlos Diaz, Imaan Ibrahim, Dylan Moore
Project: Accessible Storage Solution for Abby

Team name: WANI
3 Team members: Isabella Correa, Will Li
Project: Treats for Nathan

Updated 02/06/2024

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