Winter Quarter 2023

Perspectives in Assistive Technology


David L. Jaffe, MS
Lathrop Library Classroom 282
Tuesdays & Thursdays from 4:30 to 5:50pm PT

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Thursday, January 12th

clip art of a man pitchin a project to seated colleagues

Project Pitch Day
David L. Jaffe, MS
Stanford University - Mechanical Engineering

Abstract: Candidate team projects will be "pitched" by those who suggested them. Open time at the end of the presentations will enable students pursuing projects to connect with project suggestors.


Lecture Material:
Slides - 4.11 Mb pdf file
Suggestor's Pitch Videos:
Abby - Introduction (1:32)
Abby - Communication Aid for Nathan (1:10)
Abby - Alert Project (0:53)
Abby - Rain Shield Project (1:08)
Abby - Mobile Laptop and iPad Computer Support (1:22)
Abby - Accessible Storage Solution (1:27)
Abby - Leash Project (2:00)
Activities and Candidate Projects for students working on One Credit Unit Individual projects
Activities and Candidate Projects for students working on Three Credit Unit Team projects
Student Project Resource People

Updated 10/05/2023

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