Winter Quarter 2011 Course Announcement

Perspectives in Assistive Technology

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
Main Quad, Building 370, Classroom 370


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Thursday, February 10th

clip art of a student presenting

Mid-term Student Project Presentations

Each student project team will do an informal presentation on the progress of their project.

Students will present and discuss:

  1. project status - what has been done, what remains
  2. problems encountered, resolved, and pending
  3. expenses expected if the project is to be continued into the Spring Quarter
  4. plans for the remainder of the quarter

photo of Darnell Brooksphoto of Huong Xuan Phanphoto of Thomas Waggoner

Darnell Brooks, Huong Xuan Phan, and Thomas Waggoner

Exercise Machine

Our team name is: Team Free Motion

Our project name is: Cardi-Row

Project Abstract:

photo of Shilpa Sarkarphoto of Zach D'Angelo photo of John Thiemer

Shilpa Sarkar, Zach D'Angelo, and John Thiemer

RAFT Project

Our team name is: Team Upstream

Our project name is: Project Noah's Ark

Project Abstract:

photo of Marcus Albonicophoto of Stephen Hibbsphoto of Kevin Ting

Marcus Albonico, Stephen Hibbs, and Kevin Ting

ROTA Hybrid Drive Project

Our team name is: RoTrio Design Group

Our project name is: Hybrid Drive for RoTrike/RoChair

Project Abstract:

photo of Reyna Garciaphoto of Ernestine Fu photo of Sarah Toukan

Reyna Garcia, Ernestine Fu, and Sarah Toukan

No-Fall Cane Project

Our team name is: We Cane Do It!

Our project name is: Magicane

Project Abstract:

Lecture Matertial:
Pre-lecture slides - 320 Kb pdf file
Audio - 1:34:47 - 21.6 Mb pdf file

Updated 02/14/2011

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