Winter Quarter 2010 Course Announcement

Perspectives in Assistive Technology

David L. Jaffe, MS and Professor Drew Nelson
Tuesdays & Thursdays   4:15pm - 5:30pm
William Gates Computer Science Building, Toshiba Classroom, Room B12 (lower level)

Ideas for Assistive Technology

Medication administration to residents: Medications come in small packages prepared for the week and are given at a specific time. Assistance would be needed in giving these medications and ensuring residents are taking them.

Guidance for residents with cognitive impairements: There is a need to escort residents to the dining room, around the community, to exercise classes, or to the front desk when scheduled to be picked up.

Safety monitoring of residents with cognitive impairements: There is a need to prevent residents from wandering into unsafe areas of the facility such as the stairwells, the pool, or the street.

Showering assistance for residents at risk for falls: If a resident showers independently, there is a need to detect a fall so that emergency treatment could be administered as soon quickly.

Fall detection: Prompt notification is needed for a resident who falls and is unable to use their emergency pendent or is not wearing one and is unable to reach a phone or emergency pull cord.

Grocery shopping assistance: Some residents who are new to the facility are unfamiliar with the nearby grocery store and need guidance.

Updated 01/08/2010

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